Final thesis

Thesis guidelines


The final exam is worth 14 CFU and consists in the preparation and discussion by the student of an original thesis written under the guidance of a supervisor, who is usually selected before the beginning of the last year of study, as it is calculated nearly a year to complete your project. 


Check the "Tutoring" page for meetings and contacts about Master Thesis Guidance from a tutor.


Final mark

The mark for the thesis can range from 0 to 6 points.

The overall mark (out of 110) is the sum of the weighted average of the marks of  student’s career added to the mark for the thesis dissertation, based on the type and quality of the work, the judgment of the supervisor and co-supervisor, the presentation by the graduating student, and the subsequent discussion. The awarding of cum laude requires unanimous agreement on the part of the examining committee. The thesis must be written in English.

Degrees are awarded after successfully passing a final exam, which assesses whether a student has achieved the educational objectives of the second-cycle degree in Psychology, Neuroscience and Human Sciences.

Lecturers and topics

Bambini Valentina: experimental pragmatics, pragmatic language disorder in clinical populations, pragmatics in children and older adults, behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of pragmatic abilities, relationship between pragmatics and Theory of Mind, metaphor and humor in communication; contact 

Bottini Gabriella: neuropshysiological and pathological aspects of body representation, Unilateral Spatial Neglect, body awareness and interception, metaphor interpretation, dementia, neurolaw, exploration of the cognitive functioning through functional neuroimaging, electrodermal activity, tDCS, Caloric Vestibular Stimulation; contact 

Canessa Nicola: behavioral, neuroimaging and neuromodulation studies in healthy individuals; areas of interest: neuroeconomics; social neuroscience; contact 

Cappa Stefano: neurobiology of language, cognitive aging, disorders of language, memory and social cognition in neurodegeneration; contact 

Carone Nicola: LGBTQ+ parenting, families formed through assisted reproduction, parenting and attachment, evidence-based parenting interventions, personality and parenting; contact

Casellato Claudia: computational neuroscience, cerebellum, neural networks, spiking, sensorimotor tasks, plasticity and learning; contact 

Castelli Fulvia : theory of mind, empathy, social cognition, suicide prevention, couple relationship and infedelity, ASD in women. contact

Catricalà Eleonora: language and semantic memory in healthy participants and neurodegenerative patients; behavioural, neuromodulation and imaging studies; contact eleonora.catricalà

Chesi Cristiano: computational modeling of linguistic processing, computational complexity and difficulty perceived in language understanding and production, linguistic acquisition and degeneration; contact 

Di Francesco Michele: philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, self-consciousness and personal identity, the extended mind hypothesis; contact 

Ferrari Chiara: behavioral and neuromodulation studies, social cognition, emotional perception, blindness; contact 

Ferreri Laura: music cognition studies on reward, emotion, learning, and memory processes; contact

Gandola Martina: behavioural, neuromodulation (tDCS and TMS), and fMRI studies in body representation and spatial cognition, anatomical studies in patients with spatial neglect, deficits of motor awareness and body ownership. Behavioural and anatomical studies on brain plasticity in patients with orthopaedic diseases; contact 

Lavazza Andrea: neuroethics; bioethics; memory modulation; human enhancement; cerebral organoids; neurolaw; ethics of neurotechnology; contact

Lecce Serena: theory of mind in children and older adults, social cognition, social relationships, social behaviour, executive functions, social communication; contact ;  

Provenzi Livio : behavioral epigenetics, biobehavioral synchrony, blindness and low-vision, developmental disability, family-centered intervention, parent-infant interaction, preterm birth, stress regulation, video-feedback intervention; contact

Rinaldi Luca: semantic memory; distributional semantic models, language statistics, associative learning, embodied cognition, spatial representations, numerical cognition, time representation, sensorimotor experience; contact 

Russo Riccardo: issues regarding the impact of brain neuro-modulation on cognitive functioning in young and elderly people as well as on cognitive aging particularly with respect to decision-making; contact 

Salvato Gerardo: body representation in healthy and pathological brain, interoception, memory guided attention, dementia, neurolaw, functional and structural MRI, electrodermal activity, tDCS, Caloric Vestibular Stimulation; contact

Sereni Andrea: epistemology, theory of knowledge, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of logic; contact 

Tomasetta Alfredo: philosophy of science, (in)formal logic, philosophy of mind, philosophical theories of consciousness, personal identity, mind and self in classical Indian philosophy; contact 

Vecchi Tomaso Elia: behavioral and neuromodulation studies in memory, cerebellum, social cognition, imagery and spatial cognition, blindness. contact