Study plan

The study plan is the complete set of exams that you need to sit in order to graduate.
Each degree programme envisages a certain number of learning activities (course units, laboratories, other activities): some are compulsory, others are elective. The sum of the compulsory and elective activities represents your study plan.
When compiling your study plan, you can choose some exams from a predetermined list (optional) and others with complete freedom (free choice) in order to achieve the credits required for graduation.
You can also submit an individual study plan including courses that are not listed in your Study Programme In this case, you have to submit the official request (Istanza al Rettore) to the Student’s Affair Office and get the approval by the Study Program Board.

Extra credit exams
esame in sovrannumero” in Italian, do not contribute to achieve the required number of credits necessary graduation: passing them is optional and therefore they are not included in calculation of the score average. Students can add up to 24 crediti of these exams for each academic year. Please note that Exams from Faculty of Medicine and Surgery cannot be added as extra credit exam to the study plan, unless you are a Medicine student. Please check the Academic Regulations of your study programme to verify if there are any limits to the inclusion of specific as extra courses.




A study plan can be presented by properly enrolled students who have paid their tuition fees. The study plan must be presented via the Student Portal. 

Study plan - Enrolment year 2024/2025
First Year
Compulsory Choose two subjects Scegli due insegnamenti
Second Year
Compulsory Choose two subjects 12 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (12 CFU)
First Year
Compulsory Choose two subjects Choose two subjects
Second Year
Compulsory Choose two subjects 12 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (12 CFU)